You can choose a 3D text that tumbles on your screen at a set speed and resolution. There are several ways you can set a screen saver on windows. If you purchase your computer with the operating system already installed, a screen saver may have been selected for you. Windows comes with built-in screen savers that you can select. In fact, today’s CRT display technology makes burn-in unlikely except under extreme conditions: on larger displays used for room presentations, burn-in is still a possibility. Screen savers are now used primarily for entertainment, security or to display system status information. This may affect the ability of the screen to render images. Burn-ins can be seen as lighter patches on the screen, surrounded by dark edges. This wears off the phosphorus on one part of the screen than the other. A burn-in is a permanent mark on the CRT screen due to prolonged electrons striking the same place over and over. Initially, screen savers were designed to prevent phosphor burn-in on CRT and plasma computer monitors (hence the name). This can be a word swooping around the screen, or a collection of images that change after a predetermined time.
A screen saver is an animated image that is activated on a personal computer display when no user activity has been sensed for a predefined time.